Newsletter 27th June, 2024

Middle Years Mixx FM visit

Middle Years students with Barksy, sound engineer at Mixx FM.

Yesterday, the 25th of June, Middle Years visited Mixx FM as part of our History of Technology unit of learning. During this time, we discussed the evolution of communication and radio was a large part of the evolving Technology and something that we still use today. We learnt all about how radio is transmitted and the technology that is needed to broadcast on radio. We learnt about how to make radio ads and we even got to have a chance to record some of our own content and use the platforms Pro Tools and Beat Box to make them sound more interesting, like a radio ad. Students asked some fantastic questions about the programs. We really enjoyed meeting Barksy, Lippi and Ryan. We enjoyed lunch at the playground in Colac before heading back to school.

Ashleigh – When we finished at the radio station, we got to go to the park and have lunch and a play.

Thomas – We looked at the TV in the room. We saw the big tower.

Izayah – Yesterday we took the bus to Colac. We went to Mixx FM

Caleb – We went on a bus to Colac to visit Mixx FM. We met these people; Ryan, Chris and Lippi. My favourite part was meeting Ryan because he was funny, and he showed us how to make ads.

Later Years Update

Later Years Project

VPC Fonterra Visit

End of Semester Art Update

It’s been a productive end to semester one in the Cobden Art Room, with lots of finished work being completed by proud students. Read about what all the classes have been up to!

Breakfast Club

Sunday at the Movies

Parents Association

A Parents Association for Hampden Specialist School has recently been formed by some parents from both campuses. If you are interested in being apart of all the exciting things we have planned for the following year or would like to help out at an upcoming event feel free to contact Kristie Simpson on 0488 431083

The primary goals  of the parents Association are

  • To provide support/fellowship for parents at the school
  • To raise money for equipment for the school through fundraising
  • To organise beneficial activities for the school community
  • To encourage parent/guardian participation and contribute within the school on a broader basis
  • To provide affordable fund raising activities that can reach the broader community as to not put extra financial pressure on the school community
  • Hold activities and meetings that allow for inclusiveness for all that want to be involved

Our first fundraiser is going to be the Tom and Jerry Movie which we will be screening at the Terang Campus in the holidays. For more details see the attached flyer

We have already atarted the Gather My Crew Initiative at the school which is an app that allows for people within the school community to help out each other where needed. We have already gotten to use it once where we were able to get meals to a family that had a parent in the hospital.

If you would like to be part of the initiative contact Kristie Simpson and she will send you the details also if you know someone in need of some help let us know and we will find a way to Gather Our crew.

We look forward to many more exciting things coming this year. Enjoy your holidays and we hope to see as many of you as we can at the movies.

Kristie Simpson
Parents Association President

Wellbeing support during the holidays.

NDIS Navigator

New National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Navigator service to support parents and carers

Our school is excited to be part of the NDIS Navigators initiative. NDIS Navigators will be in all Victorian government specialist schools by 2025 to help students and their families navigate and understand the NDIS and get the most out of the supports available.

We are currently recruiting for this NDIS Navigator position and will advise who the successful applicant is in our next newsletter so you can contact them to talk about how the NDIS Navigator service can support your family.

Our NDIS Navigator will:

  • provide information and advice on the NDIS and available supports, including guidance on where to look for services and how to make the best selection for your child
  • support you to understand the:
  • structure of the NDIS and how to navigate and engage with the system
  • ongoing management of NDIS plans and how to raise questions or concerns with the National Disability Insurance Agency or NDIS funded organisations
  • assist you to access NDIS Local Area Coordination partners for advice and support.



Family Details

Following distribution of reports last week, it has come to our attention that some student records may be out of date. For this report cycle, our system is showing 'N" - No, for all alternative families to have a report sent out. The Primary Family automatically receives reports and Alternative families have an option to receive reports. If you are an alternative family please advise if you would like this changed via email or phoning the office 5595 1995.

Many of our students are part of a family where both of their parents or carers do not live at the same address.  If this is the case, ideally our computer system should reflect this.

Below are the options for each student;
Primary Family:  Usually who the student resides with Always, Mostly or Balanced.
Alternative Family: Usually who the student resides with Balanced, Occassionally or Never.
Additional Family:  Usually who the student resides with Occassionally or Never.  Often an authorised carer or support worker.

If you believe your details may not be or on our system correctly, please complete an Alternative Family/Parent/Carer Form and return it to the school office, send via post or email to 

If you require any assistance with this process or you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Kids Kite Festival
The Kids+ Kites Festival is a Geelong based community event bringing together people of all abilities for a fun, accessible, and inclusive day.
Come along to learn more about what Kids+ do and soak up a truly inclusive community event where every body is welcome.
*This is not a ticketed event, it is a free public event.

Activities include:
Giant aerial kite display
Public kite flying
Food trucks
Coffee Cart

Positive Partnerships