Newsletter 16th May 2024

From the Principal

We are already half way through the term and the students are working well towards their goals.

This term we have a focus on bullying, there have been a number of incidents of concern and we are working hard as a community to combat this. Last Friday we wore blue for ‘Do it for Dolly Day’ and focused on being kind to each other and treating each other with respect. If parents could continue to talk to their children about being kind to each other and speak up when they see someone being mistreated this would support the school and students to develop skills of respect and responsibility. On Tuesday the Cobden Campus students had a session with John Keats from the Community Police on cyber safety and bullying, social platforms are here to stay and our students need support on how to use it correctly.

Yesterday Paul and I attended a workshop in Melbourne with Adam Voight from Real Schools, we learned about the importance of using positive language to support students to self-regulate. Staff have worked hard to implement this across the school and have common language that enforces positive language and promotes desirable behaviours. Our students face many challenges in our current world and as a school and a community when we work together we can help them manage the challenges they may face.

Have a great weekend.

Thank you.

Take care,
Kylie Carter

Notes From Norm

Anzac Day Artworks

Students in Later Years created some atmospheric artworks inspired by Anzac Day soldiers and landscapes. They combined chalk pastels and spray paint in these effective pieces.

Later Years News

Early Years Report

Kayla's Trade Fit Expo

VPC Work Placements

Learning about bullying at Hampden

Hampden continue to promote a safe school for all students and staff.  From our staff training session with Berry Street to more recently on our Pupil Free Day with Dan Petro, who specialises in behaviour management and reworking positive behaviours.

In the classroom we set behaviour expectations for staff and students displayed around the school.  As needed, we also target more specific conversations at assemblies and group conversations around the school as they happen.  

Teachers create individual safety plans with students to give them the power to stand up and be safe in the classroom. Classes participate in weekly respectful relationship lessons. 

Our VPC students are putting on a physical and mental health expo for the community in week 9 at Terang.

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