Wow the term is really flying by, it is hard to believe it is nearly week 10 already!
This has been a very busy and exciting term for staff, students and families. Our Terang campus students have enjoyed the benefits of moving into our new building which has exceeded expectations. Whilst our Cobden campus students and staff look forward to the new Middle Years build which will commence in early 2024, a big thank you to Cobden Technical School that have made 4 classrooms available to the Later Years classes to move into and Middle Years students will move into the current Later Years building for 2024. We are preparing for the move with boxes being packed and furniture relocated to its new home. A temporary disable change facility will be installed at the Later Years building to accommodate our students
Thank you to all the parents who completed the parent survey earlier in term 3, our parent satisfaction data is excellent and we will use this data to set targets for 2024. The new targets will focus on student safety and the management of bullying within the school. We have worked extensively with Dan Petro (Behaviour Therapist) this year, Real Schools and undertaken the Berry Street training, we feel all of these programs is shaping a whole school approach to student management and while not perfect we are certainly improving in this space. Next year we have been accepted as part of the School Wide Positive Behaviour Schools program which runs over 3 years, we feel this will also strengthen processors towards improving wellbeing.
We look forward to year 12 graduation next Thursday night at the Cobden Golf Club, we have 4 students graduating which is very exciting. The following Thursday is our Presentation of Awards ceremony which will take place in Terang at 1pm at the new school, we look forward to showcasing our new school at this time.
Reports will go home next Friday 8th December, please look out for these in your child’s bag. School will finish for the last day at 3pm, on 15th December.
Take care,
Kylie Carter
This is a new self-referral online platform that can support our students over the holidays when they cannot access usual school supports
If parents and carers need a hand to navigate this app before the holidays, Jen our Mental Health Practitioner can help 0493519789.