Welcome back to school. Everyone has had a restful break and now settling into Term 4. It’s great to see students trying their best in class and helping each other when needed.
Davey’s students have been doing maths revision to start off Term 4. Students are excited for a fun term in particular the upcoming swimming program. Our students have done a good job of settling back into their learning.
Lyn is back from her long service leave and she was keen to see the work the students had done in term 3. Each student presented their power point and read out the information about their chosen state. Tahlia was happy to read about Victoria when Lyn pointed to the words.
Kye presented information on South Australia.
Gab presented information on New South Wales.
William presented information on Victoria.
Riley presented information on Tasmania.
Caleb presented information on Queensland.
Tahlia presented information on Victoria.
All the students proudly shared their work and completed a series of power point slides based on a research matrix created as a class group in early term 3. Lyn was pleased to see the achievements of the class while she has been away. Good work class!
The last week of term 2 was a frenzy of work. All students completed their project work which was a research assignment about a famous Artist.
I.T skills included sourcing appropriate information and photo’s of artworks. The students then had to design a poster that reflected the colours of their particular artist
All students completed this with minutes to spare.
All students did a fabulous job.
I drew some games on the concrete today and the students enjoyed playing different games
The later years crew were lucky enough for Melody to bring in her fairy floss machine for everyone to enjoy