Newsletter 27th July, 2023.

From the Principal

Attendance continues to be a high priority for both the school and the Education Department, you may have noticed your child bringing home attendance awards on a weekly basis when they have 100% attendance for the week. Every student that attends school for the 5 days will receive an attendance certificate celebrating their 100% attendance at school for the week. Attending school every day gives your child the very best chance for academic and social success into the future.

If your child is away please leave a reason on Xuno or ring the school office to report the absence. If we have no communication this is marked as an unapproved absence, we aim to have all students at school at least 90% of the time for optimum learning opportunities. 80% is an acceptable level of attendance and anything below this will attract an attendance plan and discussion with parents about their child attending school more regularly. If your child is away from school for 5 consecutive days without parent correspondence, this data is flagged automatically at the Education Department via our school attendance software.

Monday are SSG meetings with teachers, please ensure you have booked your meeting with your teacher on Xuno, it is strongly recommended that your child attends the meeting so they can offer input into their learning.

Thank you to the parents that attended the parent information morning with Simon Dewar from Real Schools, Simon is an energetic presenter who offered lots of tips on supporting your child at home with behaviours and an insight into how teachers manage this at school. Real Schools provides a program and a practice that is shared throughout the school. We use Restorative Practices 2.0 to manage students and conflicts, this approach supports students to identify appropriate behaviours at school, take responsibility when something has happened and develop empathy and compassion towards others.

Take care

Kylie Carter

Early Years Report

Davey's Classroom Shop

We have been busy in Davey’s class setting up a shop to help develop our maths and social skills. We have made lots of progress and have really enjoyed this activity.  

I like Maths. We made a shop where we can buy things with money. We count the money to give to the shop keeper. – Abby

We sell weetbix in our class shop. We also have LCM bars. -Thomas

In Maths we made a shop. The shop helps us count some money. We bring boxes and toys and put price tags on them. -Locky

In Maths we are working in our classroom shop. I like that I can buy food and toys with my money. -Izayah

In Maths we made a shop in Davey’s class. We have been looking at catalogues. -Ella

Later Years Update

“We all Scream for Ice Cream”…ice cream sculptures that is!

The students in Lyn and Davey’s classes had so much fun making these Papier Mache ice cream sculptures…unfortunately they don’t taste as good as they look! But they do look great!!!

SSG Meetings Monday 31st July

SSG Meetings, next Monday, 31st July.  If you do not have an appointment as yet, please go to the parent teacher interview tab in the Xuno app and select a time.  Otherwise, please give the office a call.

Students are not required at school on this day but we would like you to bring them along to their SSG appointment to discuss their future learning.

BOOK WEEK is coming up…August 21st – 25th

This year’s theme for Book Week is Read, Grow and Inspire. There has been a fantastic bunch of books shortlisted for this year, which teachers are currently reading and planning activities for.

We will celebrate Book Week on Thursday 24th August at Cobden, with a parade for the younger students and planned craft activities for selected books. Stay tuned for more info!

NDIS Supports

Thank You !!

We have purchased some fabulous books with this Rotary money.  Thanks Cobden Rotary for supporting our school!