Newsletter 15th June, 2023.

From the Principal

Wow the term is really flying by, it is hard to believe it is nearly week 8 already!

Staff have had a very beneficial day of professional learning last Friday with Simon Dewar from Real Schools. Real Schools is a program designed by Adam Voight who can often be seen on The Project, Sunrise and other news programs as a specialist with building school culture and supporting staff and families to manage student behaviours. Simon breaks an energy to staff that invigorates them to build strong, engaging classroom relationships that are built on respect. Later in the year Simon will be running a parent information session which we encourage all our families to attend. A school that works together with families is one that has the best student outcomes. Simon will also be working alongside teachers and ESS in the classroom with our students.

Student attendance is a major focus for Hampden and the Education Department this year. We are very proud of our students that attend every day and maintain a high rate of school engagement. Research indicates that students with consistent attendance have the very best opportunities after leaving school. Next term the school will be introducing awards and incentives for students with strong attendance. If your child is away please record the reason on Xuno for your child’s teacher to approve, or call the school office.

The new school building in Terang is almost complete, the official moving date is the September school holidays but it looks like we may sneak in a little earlier than expected, the build is ahead of schedule but weather and supply shortage may still impact the completion date. Staff were invited to a walk through of the new school Wednesday night and were very excited about our new facilities. The spaces include 4 spacious classrooms, a lunchroom with cooking facilities, a small gym, an art/DC room, large staff work areas and spacious therapy rooms. For a very long time our families, staff and students have operated very successfully from our current location but with this new state of the art facilities the sky is the limit!

Reports will go home next Friday 23rd June, please look out for these in your child’s bag. School will finish for the last day at 2pm, please expect your child an hour earlier than usual.


Take care

Kylie Carter


Printing and Clay with Middle Years

Middle Years Students are about to finish off another successful term in the art room! Everyone is busy finishing off artworks, ready to start on new topics after the break.
Lyn’s class have displayed their colourful ‘Sweet Treat’ prints and Olivia’s group have been working with clay modelling and weaving techniques. The end results are looking fab!

Early Years Report

Later Years Update

Later Years Community Work

Middle Years AFL Clinic

The last 3 weeks in Middle Years, we have been lucky enough to have an AFL program run on a Wednesday. Students have been working hard with our Game Development Officers on their passing, handballing, marking, specky and goal-kicking skills. We would like to send a special thanks to all of the fantastic Game Development Officers that we have seen come into the school and work with our students on their skill development and improvement. We look forward to another great week during our final session, next week!


Seatbelts on Buses

A timely reminder to wear seat belts on buses.  Have a chat with your child about the importance of wearing a seat belt, and keeping it on at all times, expecially on our school buses.

Corangamite Youth Services

Corangamite Youth Careers

Lighthouse Theatre