Newsletter 4th May, 2023.

From the Principal

I hope everyone has enjoyed the Easter break and school holidays and are ready for another busy term! Congratulations to the students that have settled very nicely back into their classrooms. Students will be working hard towards finalising their goals and teachers will be preparing to write mid-year reports.

We welcome back Olivia Sheldon to our Middle Years cohort who is replacing Leigh Cinquegrana while she is on leave. We are very lucky to have a replacement with Olivia’s expertise filling Leigh’s shoes.

Our staff learnings this year have a strong focus on student wellbeing and Numeracy improvements across the school. We value the academic and emotional progression of our students and aim to build staff capacity in both areas.

Monday May 8th all staff are undertaking Top Ten Maths addition and subtraction professional learning to support our teaching of this in the classroom. This will be a student free day for students.

Students from years 4-12 will participate in the Attitude to School Survey distributed by the Education Department over the next month. This data gives us very important information from the student’s point of view and supports us to plan for the direction of the school into the future. The students will complete this at school, if you do not wish your child to participate, please send the note back that was sent home on Monday regarding the student survey.

Please check that you have access to Xuno through the family app as this is our preferred communication platform, if you need any help setting it up please let us know we are more than happy to assist.


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Attendance continues to be a school and Education Department focus, please use the Xuno portal to let your teacher know why your child is away or call the office on 55951995.

Take care

Kylie Carter

Early Years Update

Early years have had a busy end of term one and start of term two.

We ended last term with Sarah, a pre-service teacher from Deakin with us. She worked in the prep/one room and we thoroughly enjoyed having her work with us across the school. We hope to see her back at Hampden later in the year.

The last day of term was a colourful affair with Hampden celebrating the Diversity Dash with Terang College. Students had lots of fun on this day and enjoyed getting colour bombed by staff and students of Terang College.

This term we have got straight back into work and our activities. We started off by learning all about Anzac Day and worked as a whole school to create two living wreaths for display. Wyatt, Iris, Kye, Mabel, Patrick represented our campus at the wreath laying in Terang on April 25th.

Swimming is back on the agenda for this term but we were able to squeeze in a round of mini golf before we get back in the pool in week two.  Some great putting from all students and we lucked out with the weather staying cloudy but dry for our day.

Our whole campus is looking forward to more adventures that term two has to offer!

Later Years

Middle Years Term 2


Students in middle years this term have commenced dance with our new instructor Katrina.  She has been building their stamina with lots of active engagement and testing out their coordination and movement stills as they learn “new moves!”

Some comments from students have included:

“It was the best.”                     “It was fun!”             “My legs still hurt!”

 “It was pretty good.  Best teacher ever.”

In other news around the classrooms:

Olivia’s class is working on projects about ‘Australia’, Lyn’s class are creating their design technology emoji cushions, Davey’s class have been working on ‘wellbeing’ and looking after themselves and Letesha’s class have begun a MythBusters unit in science and have been looking at different Geographical locations in Australia.

School Photo Day

The date for school photos has changed.  It is no longer Wednesday 24th May.  It is now 13th June.

Do it for Dolly 2023

Every year in May we see communities come together to remember Dolly, participate in fundraising activities to help support the important anti-bullying work and share the Dolly’s Dream message to be kind and speak even if your voice shakes.

Do It For Dolly Day is on Friday 12 May 2023 and we’re calling on you to help make Dolly’s own dream of a kinder and safer world for Australia’s kids and communities a reality.

As a school we will be doing class activities throughout the week with a focus on kindness and stamping out bullying in our school.

Friday 12th May our SRC will be holding a fundraising activity. 
- Gold coin donation to dress in blue or even a dash of blue. 
- Muffins will be available for $2 each.

Partners in Parenting

Canteen Price List

Canteen Price List from Cobden Tech School  -   Please note:  The canteen is open Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.