Newsletter 9th March, 2023.

Colourful Artworks, with all the right ingredients!

Davey’s class have just completed a colourful mixed media piece, using warm and cool colours, line, pattern and shape. Their theme for the semester is ‘a recipe for great art’ and they’ve certainly added the right ingredients in these gorgeous works! Well done.

Clean up Australia Day

On Tuesday 6th March, all students joined forces to ‘Step Up and Clean Up’, by participating in a Clean Up Australia event organised by the VCP Personal Development class.

It was a success! All students put in a fantastic effort and enjoyed a celebration BBQ afterwards.


Please contact the office if you are interested in having input into the change of our school name.

Early Years Report

Reading in Davey’s Class

Davey’s students demonstrate how to respectfully support each other while reading.

Throughout the beginning of Term 1 students in Davey’s class have been working on their ability to support and help each other while reading in the classroom. Students are getting better at listening to each other and helping out with challenging words. It is great to see how respectful our students are to each other during the ‘Read to a class mate’ element of our Daily 5 program. Well done to the students in Davey’s class.

Lyn's Class

This week in Lyn’s class our photos show that we have planted some plants in the pergola area, had a guest speaker in and did some place value work in maths.

In Middle Years in Lyn’s class this week, we have been learning about place value and time in our maths work.  We have also being growing plants to brighten up our school pegola area and done other experiments with plant growth.  We have helped in the Clean Up Australia Day with the whole school on Tuesday and had a special guest speaker in to talk about her experiences for International Women’s Day.  Lots of things happening along with our regular curriculum program!

Later Years Update

International Womens Day

Some of the girls enjoyed a lunch at Lake Bullen Merri after doing Meals On Wheels.
Cupcakes were enjoyed by all students and staff during the IWD .

Our guest speaker for International Womens Day today was Kimberley, who is a friend of Tegan’s. She came and spoke with the students and spent the day with us.

Kimberley told the students about her life and what she has achieved so far, even though she has a disability. She has a diagnosis of ADHD, an intellectual disability and scoliosis and it hasn’t stopped her from doing anything. Kimberley attended the Merri Specialist School in Warrnambool.

Kimberley had had numerous job including 13yrs at IGA in port fairy.

She sings with all abilities choir, both in a group and solo. Kimberley has actually written and recorded her own songs, and is looking forward to singing at the Port Fairy Folk festival this weekend.

The students were all very interested in what Kimberley had to say and I think they would all have learnt something from her.

Kimberley lives by the moto “ If someone tells you can’t, prove to them that you can”.

Easter Raffle Winners

The winners are Judy Smith, Carla Dudman (redrawn) and Tiffany McLauchlan.

Live Easter Raffle Draw

Camperdown Theatre Company