Newsletter 9th February, 2023

From the Principal

Welcome back to everyone, I hope you have all enjoyed a well-deserved break and are pleased to be back at school. The students all seem very happy to be back and are enjoying getting to know their new teachers and friends. We welcome several new students to our school and it has been a pleasure watching them settle in so quickly.

Over the coming weeks staff will be getting to know their students and developing the student’s IEP’s. Parent/teacher interviews will be on Monday 27th February, please book your interview time online through the Xuno app. Their will be no classes this day, please bring your child to the interview so they can contribute to their learning plan.

Hampden Specialist School’s 2023 goals will be working towards improving our Numeracy outcomes and ensuring Wellbeing is nurtured for our students, families and staff.

The introduction of the Xuno platform last year continues to be slowly rolled out, please put reasons for absence on Xuno using the ‘Xuno Family app’. You will also receive messages, book interview times and eventually be able to pay for excursions through this mode. Teachers will be able to support you with this on the SSG day on the 27th February if you have any questions. Alternatively ring the office to relay messages to staff.

We have lots of exciting projects happening this year:

  • We have 72 students enrolled.
  • A new Terang Campus building and location due for completion by the end of the year.
  • A new Middle Years school is being planned and due to commence building by the end of the year.
  • We are also excited to be implementing VPC (previously known as VCAL) for our year 11 & 12’s.

Take care

Kylie Carter

SSG Meetings

These meetings are set up so you can have some input into your child's learning goals and pathways.  It is an opportunity to discuss how you can best support your child in their learning at home and celebrate what your child has achieved so far. Book your SSG appointment here

On this day students are not required to attend for a normal day.  Appointment times can me made via Xuno so you can choose a suitable time to bring your child in for this very important meeting.

The topics that may be discussed at your meeting are: 
  • IEP Goals
  • Assessment results/types of assessments
  • Advice on our Numeracy focus
  • Information about our Mental Health Practitioner and her role 
  • Discuss the Tutor learning Initiative if it is suitable for your child
  • Timetable: Classes at base school
  • Xuno: Signing in and basic use, check if parents need any assistance.
  • Behaviour and classroom success’, concerns & management plan
  • Attendance
  • Rapid tests- do you need more, how is it going?

Mental Health Practitioner

Hi my name is Jen Finnerty, I started work as a mental health practitioner at the senior campus of the Hampden Specialist school last year. My role was developed by the Victorian government to support students who are at risk of developing a mild to moderate mental health issue and to provide support to not only the students but also their families.

*I can refer students to outside agencies as needed.

*1:1 sessions with students to enable them to develop their own strategies and techniques to assist in the management of their mental health.

*Small group work to provide education around mental health and wellbeing

*Engage in a whole school approach to wellbeing through guest speakers, organising specific wellbeing programmes and acknowledging special days of recognition eg. R U OK?, International Women’s Day, Do It For Dolly (against bullying)

I work Mondays and Wednesdays at the senior campus.

Students can be referred to me for support by parents, staff or students can refer themselves.

Please feel free to contact me to discuss any concerns you have for your child

My contact number is 0493519789


Jen finnerty


Welcome back to the Art Room !

Welcome back to the art room for 2023! It’s great to see everyone settled and working well already.

Middle and Later Years students are working on self portraits and abstract paintings using their names and hobbies as starting points. I can’t wait to see the finished results!


Early Years Report

A Great start to Term 1 in Davey’s class

Davey’s class have started the year well with some new faces in the Middle Years area. Students are settling into their work routines and making new friends. The swimming program has begun and promises to be an enjoyable addition to our weekly timetable. It has been pleasing to see our students welcoming our newcomers and using great social skills to make them feel included in Middle years.  Students are already working hard in literacy, maths, sounds write and wellbeing activities. We are looking forwards to a productive and fun year in Davey’s class and middle years.


Middle Years are firing on all cylinders

Middle Years in Leigh’s room has begun on a great note. This year we have seven students from years 6 to 8 with all students respecting each other. We began by composing our individual goals for academic and social areas.

We have started to learn about our own State as well.

Later Years Report

2023 in Letesha’s class

A display of our school Values: Respect, Teamwork and Persistence

We have had a great start in Letesha’s class. Students have been working to create a space that they feel safe and comfortable to come to everyday and learn to the best of their abilities. We have created display walls that show our school’s values; teamwork, respect and persistence. We have been working hard to ensure we are trying our best to achieve them, everyday. Student’s have been working on creating a poster about a person that they are inspired by and are planning their dream Australian Holiday!

Noorat to Terang Fun Run 2023