Newsletter 3rd November, 2022.

From the Principal

Teachers are busy completing assessments for the year in preparation to write end of year reports, it is very fair to say we have had some very excited teachers reporting great growth in our students’ reading levels and maths. Congratulations to all our teachers and families on these very pleasing results.

On the topic of pleasing results, a huge thankyou to the parents and guardians who completed the parent survey, our results are outstanding with all parents reporting 100% General Satisfaction with the school. Our staff are delighted to have such supportive families at our school. It was also pleasing to see our transitions of students moving into and through the school at 100%, we work very hard on ensuing that the students are happy and comfortable in their environment and to have this recognised by our community is very satisfying. Our support services and teacher communication are two more areas we have worked hard to improve in, and it was fantastic to see both sections scoring above 96%. We sincerely thank all our parents and guardians that took the time to complete the survey.

Next Tuesday we have the second day of our Berry Street Trauma training in conjunction with Cobden Technical School, students will have a student free day. After the first day of this training last term our staff reported that this training was very beneficial and was helping them to understand how to plan for these students in their classrooms. We are expecting another great day of learning for all staff.

Remember to keep using XUNO to report student absences and look on our now very up to date website to keep you informed. Wendy has done a great job in revamping this!


Take Care

Kylie Carter

Making Art from Plastic Waste

By the year 2050, they predict that there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish!

Students from Lyn and Leigh’s classes created collages of sea creatures using the plastic waste that would usually end up in our bins and eventually, landfill. They did a fantastic job responding to the task and were equally as shocked when we researched the plastic in the ocean problem, that we all face! These artworks will be on display at the Noorat Show, be sure to have a look if you attend!

Wellbeing - Cyber Safety

Last week we were lucky enough to have John and Brooke come to HSS and talk to us about their role as youth resource officers. It is a good opportunity for our students to see police officers as friendly approachable people that can help us when needed without being afraid or intimidated by them. Next year we are hoping to have more regular visits by John and Brooke

They answered all our questions around  cybersafety, vapping, consent and online scammers.

Most importantly for the middle years we got to  have a look at an undercover police car and experience the lights and sirens.

Cyber Safety Message from Brooke and John

Early Years Report

Term 4, week 4 and 5 – Davey’s Class

Numeracy Focus  

We have continued to focus on operations in Maths over the past few weeks in Davey’s class and some students have been learning to subtract larger number using MAB blocks to help them. Students are showing good growth in their abilities. Well done to all students.

Learning (and fun) in Lucy’s room

We are working SUPER hard in Lucy’s room this term.

We have started doing some assessment for end of year reports and we are all showing some exceptional skills and growth! We have all be respectful and allowed each other quiet time when completing assessments and have continued to work hard to do some independent work. We have also had some fun on our weekly excursions and we look forward to our other excursions for the rest of the year.

Update on Lyn's Class

Later Years Update

This Fortnight we have been enjoying the spooky theme of Halloween. School Sports Vic have been teaching the kids how to play Downball. We have been learning to sew by making cushions. Amanda Nash completed her health visits with a Sex Ed class and we have all be focusing on Maths.


“I’m making a 4 star Dragon Ball cushion, sewing the buttons was easy, I will be able to use this skill again” - Andy

“I am making an ice-cream cushion, Michelle has been helping me” - Lilly

“I learnt about how to protect ourselves, it was a bit funny” - Seamus

“We used condoms on ballistic gel models” – Josh

“Down ball is a good game for hand skills and communication with your teammate, I enjoyed it” – Billy

“Down ball was very fun, I loved beating my friends at it” - Leetrix

Our School Concert

We wanted to relive our fabulous School Concert.  Click on the link below to view the slideshow.

2022 School Concert Slideshow

Pop Up Cinema