Welcome back everyone, I hope you all had the chance to have a nice break and maybe squeeze in a break away.
Later Years students started the new term with a camp to Halls Gap where they enjoyed lovely weather for all their activities.
All the other students returned to school happily and have settled back into routine quickly.
Term 4 is renowned for being very busy with assessments, end of year reports, final assembly, year 12 graduation and lots of other celebrations and excursions.
We are also busy organising transition for new students to the school and students transitioning to Middle Years at Cobden and in Later Years. You will be contacted within the next week to notify you if your student will be transitioning to a new area of the school and the transition dates. Statewide Transition Day is Tuesday 13th December and will be a full day for new and transitioning students. Tuesday 29th November students will attend their new section of the school from 10-12pm and Tuesday 6th December from 9-12pm.
A uniform order form will be coming out in the next couple of weeks so please look out for that also.
We are also looking towards setting our new Annual Implementation Goals for 2023, with Student Wellbeing and Numeracy being at the centre of our planning.
The new build at Terang is starting to take shape with building right on schedule at this stage, if you happen to be in Terang take a drive past the site in Dow street next to the Kindergarten.
Take Care
Kylie Carter
During term 3 we have had a couple of visiting specialists and supports come to the school to speak with students.
Headspace provided a session for the whole school on ‘Standing Strong, Bullying and Mental Health’ and ‘Transition – Leaving school’ for year 11 and 12’s’.
The senior students also attended Cobden tech for a presentation delivered by VICROADS, “Looking after Our mates”, focusing on the effects of alcohol and drugs whilst driving as well as safe driving techniques.
On Monday 22/8 we acknowledged “Wear it Purple Day” which is a chance for schools, workplaces, communities, and individuals to stand in support of LGBTQIA+ young people, and against the rate of discrimination they face.
R U OK Day was on Thursday 8/9. We focused on having fun at lunch time with giant games outside eg. Jenga and Cornhole and cupcakes for everyone
This day is meant to inspire and empower everyone to meaningfully connect with the people around them and start a conversation with those in their world who may be struggling with life.
We focused on having fun at lunch time with giant games outside eg. Jenga and Cornhole and cupcakes for everyone.
You don’t need to be an expert to reach out – just a good friend and a great listener.
Use these four easy steps and have a conversation that could change a life:
The two following sites has helpful information if you or someone you know may need some support.
Jennifer Finnerty
Davey’s Class
Students and staff enjoyed our camp to Angahook Holiday Park at the end of Term 3. Activities included low ropes, zip lines, climbing wall, initiative/problem solving, archery and disc golf. It was great to see all students and staff challenging themselves and participating in a wide variety of activities which took us out of our comfort zones. Well done to everyone.
Lucy’s Class
Highlights of the camp including watching the teachers squeal on the giant swing, exploring the bush during ultimate frisbee and playing and talking to the camp dogs Fetch and Banjo.